Directions to Liyuan Theatre
Getting There
- On Beijing subway line 7, go to Hufangqiao Station and take Exit C which is near the hotel building.
- Walk 5-10minutes South along Hufang Road (虎坊路).
- Turn left to Yongan Road (永安路) and the grand Qianmen Jianguo Hotel (前门建国饭店) will be visible immediately.
- Liyuan Theatre is located inside the hotel.
- To pick up your reserved tickets, please come to the hotel lobby and meet with our staff. They will hold your name and wait for you there.
- For address, show times and other details please, click here.
Taxi Instructions
You can show the below message in Chinese from your phone to the Taxi or Rickshaw driver to get to Liyuan Theatre.
请送我到梨园剧场,位于前门建国饭店(西城区永安路175号), 电话:63016688,谢谢!